Salmon – the icon of Alaskan life and culture. Salmon – bright as a new dime, unchanged in millions of years in North America’s wildest waters. Salmon – the keystone of ecosystems from California to Siberia. Salmon – our last link to what was and our best reminder of what still could be…
You know about TU’s “Save Bristol Bay” campaign – one of our longest running campaigns to stop one of the world’s worst ideas. Bristol Bay continues to produce the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery and one of the most prolific sockeye salmon runs left on earth. Healthy salmon runs are the foundation of the Bristol Bay region’s economic, social, cultural and ecological well-being. The fishery there supports over 14,000 jobs including commercial fishermen, processors, lodge owners, guides, tourism operators and more. It’s a special place. But you know all that.
You also know about the ill-conceived Pebble Mine plan from Northern Dynasty Minerals that would create a gold and copper mine on a huge tract spanning multiple salmon rivers that drain into Bristol Bay. They also propose to build the world’s largest earthen dam, some 700 feet high and several miles in length – all in one of the most earthquake-prone areas in North America, a dam almost certain to fail and destroy everything below it. But you know that. You probably have a “No Pebble Mine” sticker someplace, and you probably groaned when you heard the new administration was working on a deal with the company to make the Pebble Mine a reality.
But do you know Matt Luck? You should. Matt is a TU Business member and a commercial salmon fisherman. He’s the founder and principal of Pride of Bristol Bay, a company founded on the principle that sustainably harvested wild salmon from Bristol Bay could help people who might never come there to know what makes it so special, and to use part of the proceeds to fund conservation work there. And now POBB is rolling out a new opportunity for people who love this special place and the salmon that are the keystone to it all.
Beginning this fall, you’ll be able to online order, premium quality, fresh frozen Bristol Bay Sockeye salmon, delivered right to your door. You can order wild sockeye fillets or portions – that same deep red, beautiful salmon that you know is wild caught – and know that you’re supporting TU and our partners in opposing the Pebble Mine. Pride of Bristol Bay donates 10% of its pre-tax profit to the Save Bristol Bay campaign. You’ll be supporting one of the best-managed fisheries in the world and the communities, small businesses and families that depend upon it. Matt Luck and Pride of Bristol Bay, standing shoulder to shoulder with Trout Unlimited to bring you healthy food and a healthy fishery.
By walt_gasson on Mon, 2017-05-29 05:39
Tags: All About Salmon Articles Bristol Bay Fishermen No Pebble Mine Save Bristol Bay Sustainable Fishing Sustainable sockeye The Place Bristol Bay