For Immediate Release
Bristol Bay, Alaska fisherman delivers wild Alaska salmon direct to consumers through new national online program
KETCHUM, IDAHO – Located in the remote southwest corner of Alaska, Bristol Bay is home to the world’s largest wild sockeye salmon fishery. In recent years, Bristol Bay has gained international attention because of the Pebble Mine; a massive mining project proposed in the headwaters of Bristol Bay’s pristine salmon habitat. In an effort to raise awareness for Bristol Bay’s prolific salmon runs and reconnect Americans with this national treasure, lifelong commercial fisherman Matt Luck is launching a national salmon delivery program this September, making wild Bristol Bay sockeye salmon readily available to consumers around the U.S. For Luck, fishing is not just a livelihood that supports his family, but is a lifestyle he depends on as well. In 2015, he founded Pride of Bristol Bay as a way to take his love for fishing a step further and bring premium quality Bristol Bay sockeye salmon directly to consumers. Through his buying club program, Luck has delivered Bristol Bay salmon to hundreds of households in New England and the Intermountain West, and hosted wild sockeye salmon celebrations in communities, such as Cape Cod, Burlington, and Sun Valley. In response to the success of his buying clubs and increasing demand for affordable and traceable wild Alaska salmon, Luck decided in 2016 to set up a system that allows consumers anywhere in the country to order Bristol Bay sockeye salmon online and have it delivered right to their door. Luck will launch the Pride of Bristol Bay national delivery program in September 2016. “Ultimately, my goal as a fisherman and distributor is to tell the story about what places like Bristol Bay mean to our nation’s legacy,” said Luck. “Beyond that, I want to give consumers throughout the country a chance to source the very finest quality Bristol Bay sockeye salmon.” All Pride of Bristol Bay salmon comes exclusively from Bristol Bay and is harvested by a fleet of 95 fishermen committed to upholding the highest quality and handling standards in the Bay, resulting in a superior product. In addition, each fillet has a coding label on it indicating the river system where the salmon was harvested—a level of traceability unmatched by any other Bristol Bay salmon processor. Sustainability is woven throughout Pride of Bristol Bay’s entire business model, from the way that the fish are harvested to the distribution logistics. For Pride of Bristol Bay’s national delivery program, Luck teamed up with Crystal Creek Logistics; a B-Corp distribution logistics company that’s carbon-neutral and utilizes 100 percent biodegradable materials. “For me, creating a business rooted in sustainability was a natural decision given that sustainability is at the core of what Bristol Bay is all about,” Luck revealed. “I want my customers to feel good about what they are buying and know that they are buying the most sustainable salmon possible.” Also part of Pride of Bristol Bay’s unique business model is its pledge to donate 10 percent of its pretax profit to the nonprofit organization Trout Unlimited and its Save Bristol Bay campaign, which played a critical role in the fight to stop the Pebble Mine. “As a Bristol Bay stakeholder, it’s important that I invest in the future protection of this remarkable resource that not only supports my family, but thousands of other hard-working fishing families,” explained Luck. “When consumers purchase Bristol Bay sockeye through Pride of Bristol Bay, they are voting with their dollars for the continued sustainability of this incredible wild food source.” Pride of Bristol Bay will start to take and deliver its online salmon orders this September. Updates and instructions for placing orders will be available on the Pride of Bristol Bay website and social media platforms: Facebook Twitter Instagram
Reviews about Pride of Bristol Bay and its Bristol Bay sockeye salmon products: “Our family has been enjoying Bristol Bay sockeye salmon from this group of fishermen for years. Wild sockeye is such a healthy source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Pride of Bristol Bay allows us to eat salmon of amazing quality, while knowing it is responsibly harvested from a robust, well managed sustainable resource.” Dr. Jen Borofsky Fayston, Vermont “Wild Bristol Bay sockeye has played a leading role for my menus for several years. The fish comes to my kitchens filleted and frozen, direct from the boats, and is remarkably consistent. My guests love the very fresh flavor, texture and color of Bristol Bay sockeye, and my cooks love the ease of preparation and high quality. They have confidence in knowing that Bristol Bay sockeye will be well received at the table.” Scott Mason Chef/Owner Enoteca, Ketchum Grill and Town Tavern Sun Valley, Idaho.
Tags: Alaska Salmon Delivered All About Salmon Articles Order Wild Salmon Salmon Delivered Sustainable sockeye The Place Bristol Bay wild alaskan salmon wild salmon Wild Salmon Delivery wild seafood Wild sockeye