
March 04, 2021

Following the Naknek River’s biggest run ever in 2020, what can we expect during the 2021 season?

The success of Pride of Bristol Bay relies on the success of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery, and we are extremely grateful for everyone who stewards the future of this ecosystem for years to come. A key component of that effort are the area management biologists of the region. This winter, Steve spoke with Travis Elison, who is the east side manager focusing primarily on the Naknek/Kvichak river system in Bristol Bay. Tune-in to hear what we can expect as the boats hit the water this summer following the Naknek River’s biggest salmon run ever in 2020.

  • Learn more about the genetic testing used to identify where Bristol Bay’s salmon are going and coming from 
  • “It’s really hard to describe the volume of fish coming in at one time…we can have 3M fish enter the district in a given day.” -Travis
  • Following the Naknek River’s biggest run ever in 2020, what can we expect during the 2021 season? 
  • Is warmer water better for Bristol Bay? How old are salmon at harvest time? 


Tags: About POBB alaska salmon All About Salmon Articles Bristol Bay bristol bay alaska|fishermen|introduction|Pride of Bristol Bay Bristol Bay Fishermen Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon|commercial fishing|Pride of Bristol Bay Commercial Fishing Sockeye salmon Sustainable Fishing Sustainable sockeye The Place Bristol Bay wild alaskan salmon wild salmon wild seafood Wild sockeye